Keen to foster links between independent actors from across the European cultural landscape, Arty Farty is a member or project leader of various continent-wide networks and cooperation projects.
Prototyping of a decentralised platform of ten alternative European media platforms targeting young people, as well as a European Media Lab hosted by Arty Farty in Brussels.
Prototyping of a decentralised platform of ten alternative European media platforms targeting young people, as well as a European Media Lab hosted by Arty Farty in Brussels.
Cooperation project aimed at equipping and training actors in the Cultural and Creative Industries sector on a European scale and responding to their needs in relation to post-COVID issues, particularly of a digital nature.
Cooperation project aimed at equipping and training actors in the Cultural and Creative Industries sector on a European scale and responding to their needs in relation to post-COVID issues, particularly of a digital nature.
Cooperation project bringing six European partners together to look at how migration is reported and to put forward inspiring narratives to push back against cultural isolationism. Seven events have been organised (three of which were run by Arty Farty in Brussels, Paris and Lyon), each focusing on an issue affecting the host country.
Cooperation project bringing six European partners together to look at how migration is reported and to put forward inspiring narratives to push back against cultural isolationism. Seven events have been organised (three of which were run by Arty Farty in Brussels, Paris and Lyon), each focusing on an issue affecting the host country.
Creation of ten media hubs in ten "secondary" European cities in order to strengthen an emerging community of content creators and to encourage transnational collaboration.
• Lyon (France)
• Graz (Austria)
• Krakow (Poland)
• Thessaloniki (Greece)
• Chisinau (Moldova)
• Tbilisi (Georgia)
• Gothenburg (Sweden)
• Narva (Estonia)
• Porto (Portugal)
• Mostar (Bosnia)
Creation of ten media hubs in ten "secondary" European cities in order to strengthen an emerging community of content creators and to encourage transnational collaboration.
• Lyon (France)
• Graz (Austria)
• Krakow (Poland)
• Thessaloniki (Greece)
• Chisinau (Moldova)
• Tbilisi (Georgia)
• Gothenburg (Sweden)
• Narva (Estonia)
• Porto (Portugal)
• Mostar (Bosnia)
We are Europe
Since 2015, Arty Farty has been project leader for We are Europe, a largescale European cooperation project bringing together eight major European events that all consist of both a festival and a forum, just like Nuits Sonores and European Lab.
This selective group of initiatives is building and promoting new cultural practices, greater interaction and enhanced creative diversity, thereby building bridges between countries and supporting collaborations between established names and up-and-coming artists.
• Elevate Festival (Graz, Austria)
• Nuits Sonores & European Lab (Lyon, France)
• Sónar & SónarD (Barcelona, Spain)
• Terraforma Festival (Milan, Italy)
• Reworks & Reworks Agora (Thessaloniki, Greece)
•Atonal (Berlin, Germany)
• Insomnia Festival (Tromsø, Norway)
• Unsound Festival (Krakow, Poland)
• Semibreve (Braga, Portugal)
• Le Guess Who? (Utrecht, Netherlands)
• PUNCT FILMS SRL (Sebeș, Romania)
Since 2015, Arty Farty has been project leader for We are Europe, a largescale European cooperation project bringing together eight major European events that all consist of both a festival and a forum, just like Nuits Sonores and European Lab.
This selective group of initiatives is building and promoting new cultural practices, greater interaction and enhanced creative diversity, thereby building bridges between countries and supporting collaborations between established names and up-and-coming artists.
• Elevate Festival (Graz, Austria)
• Nuits Sonores & European Lab (Lyon, France)
• Sónar & SónarD (Barcelona, Spain)
• Terraforma Festival (Milan, Italy)
• Reworks & Reworks Agora (Thessaloniki, Greece)
•Atonal (Berlin, Germany)
• Insomnia Festival (Tromsø, Norway)
• Unsound Festival (Krakow, Poland)
• Semibreve (Braga, Portugal)
• Le Guess Who? (Utrecht, Netherlands)
• PUNCT FILMS SRL (Sebeș, Romania)