La Gaîté Lyrique

3bis Rue Papin, 75003 Paris
75003 Paris



t the end of December 2022, the City of Paris entrusted the running of La Gaîté Lyrique to a new group of partners, led by Arty Farty and made up of ARTE France, SINGA and makesense, alongside associate publishing partner Actes Sud.

The date of 1 January 2023 saw the launch of a new project entitled La Fabrique de l'époque (literally “The factory of our age”) in this historic performance venue, which was opened in 1862 and subsequently converted into a cultural centre in 2011.  

A veritable living space in the heart of Paris, one connected to the Paris region, the rest of France and Europe, La Gaîté Lyrique is made up of a host of versatile facilities and equipment spread over nine floors, designed by architect Manuelle Gautrand. It serves as a one-stop shop for production, broadcasting, recording and exhibition solutions, with facilities including a 760-seat concert hall, a 130-seat auditorium, a recording and rehearsal studio, a media studio, a 360° immersive room and a podcast studio. Consequently, a variety of projects can be incubated and supported within this unique venue, from conception to completion.

Over the next five years, from the very heart of France’s capital, the worlds of creation, social engagement and inclusion will collide and cross-pollinate, in order to take the pulse of a disenchanted public and attempt to win them back over.  

La Gaîté Lyrique - Fabrique de l'époque is an invitation to progress from ideas to action, from narrative to impact. It is about encouraging artistic creation and the circulation of ideas, empowering audiences and breaking down barriers, stirring things up and putting things in motion. This unique and functional space has been placed entirely at the service of artists – today’s drivers of change – in order to strengthen their capacity to create and act together, alongside and for people of all generations, and to respond to cultural, social, democratic and climate demands.


partner organisations


1 shared project: La Fabrique de l’époque

11 000

spread over 9 floors


6 days a week